About Me

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Actor/Life Coach Thom McFadden has been featured in many movies.He has guest stared in over 100 television shows. Thom is called the “Coach to the stars.’ Thom has guided actors, writers, producers, directors and hundreds of other industry professionals to realize their full potentials.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Dating For Real


Dating. It’s fun. We can all agree, meeting the right person, listening, learning and opening up is a refreshing adventure. You meet new personalities, discover new viewpoints and understand new lifestyles.

Sometimes it leads to romance, others it leads to friendships or, at the least, an enjoyable evening. Dating can make you feel a plethora of emotions – from exhilarated to nervous and giddy.

The key to every relationship is friendship. If you understand how to be a friend, you understand how to build a romantic relationship also.

Who hasn’t enjoyed the trials of When Harry Met Sally? Meg Ryan and Billy Crystal have become the pop icons of the sexual strength between friendships. Clearly a friendship spanning years is an ideal connection most women want in a relationship.

Why, then, do we identify new relationships as “dating”? The word itself puts a huge weight on you and your partner. Avoid the nerves and anxieties that accompany dating by being a friend.

Friendships are empowering and long-lasting. There are no sexual expectations or obligations on either friend. It simply opens the lines of communication so you can get to know someone. It takes the pressure away and keeps you in charge.

When you develop a friendship, you also have control over sex. You need to feel comfortable talking about sex prior to diving in. Long-term relationships are founded on both love and lust.

Focus on his morals, outlook and attitude toward life. Does he care about you? Does he meet your 60/40 requirements?

To build a solid friendship, be a friend in return. Enjoy yourself and your life. Build a variety of friends and outlets that satisfy different needs. Accept the fact that no one person can be everything.

Be loyal and trustworthy. Offer a supporting hand when they need it. Friends remember this when you need the same in return. Give positive feedback and stay upbeat.

Take risks and reach out to others without being asked. Be kind and listen to what they have to say. Friends are there when someone needs cheering up. They also find joy in others’ success.

Before you rush into a premature romance or lose sight of your goals, be friends and develop truer, deeper connections with others. Take time and enjoy the journey.

Before you know it, you’ll reach your destination.

Be Bop!

Check out my site! www.Lifestand.com

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Words are an “Actor for Real’s” Greatest Tools


I think it’s the responsibility of every person to try to fulfill himself or herself to the fullest capacity possible.

A person can not do this if they are “verbally naked.” A person must have an arsenal of vocabulary from which to work. While slang and lingo are appropriate in some circumstances, they will not put you in the same rapport in other circumstances.

We must be able to have flexibility in our vocabulary to meet our needs in a variety of situations.

Your character at a board meeting will not get you the same respect using slang, as it will when you are hangin’ with the homies.

If you are not comfortable speaking to executives, children, seniors - wherever you are deficient- model others who are and learn to emulate them. Expand your vocabulary and learn trade vernacular where needed.

“Our thinking has created problems which cannot be solved by that same level of thinking.” A. Einstein

Please learn the following and it will change your life-guaranteed.

Words Are an Actor for Real’s Greatest Tools

For me words have color, character; they have pouts, faces, manners, gesticulations. They have moods, humor, eccentricities; they have tints, tones, personalities.

Because people cannot see the color of words, the tint of words, the secret ghostly motions of words.

Because they cannot hear the whispering of words, the rustling of the procession of letters, the dream-flutes and dream-drums, which are thinly and weirdly played by words.

Because they cannot perceive the pouting of words, the raging of and racketing of words.

Because they are insensible to the phosphorescence of words, the fragrance of words, the tenderness or hardness; the dryness or juiciness of words.the interchange of values in gold, silver and the copper of words.

Is that any reason why we should not try to make them hear or to make them see or to make them feel?


Words are the actor for real’s greatest tools.

Unfortunately, we’re seeing that more and more people are illiterate and we’re just not paying attention to how important it is to learn your language.

And our language, the English language, which we’re using right now, is a very subtle language and it’s a very powerful language and the more you learn your language the better you become to persuade and connect with people.

So you have to learn your language and I think it’s important to study the history of your language, study where words come from.

When you hear a word you don’t know try this.I write words down and when I hear a word I don’t know or a word I would like to learn or something new is coming up, then I go learn about it, study it, see where it came from and try to incorporate it into my vocabulary.

Fall in love with the dictionary -and that’s not so you can have a huge vocabulary that makes you sound important, it’s just so that you can think better and connect with other people better.

Be Bop!


Check me out at www.LifeStand.com

A Moms Work is Never Done

A Moms Work is Never Done

M Day is Here to Stay

Happy Mother’s Day to Moms all around the world. We should love, honor, and respect our Mothers every day of the year, of course, but this day is a chance to show Mom just how much she means to you.

And so to all of you - whether mom, grandma, stepmom, sister, aunt, neighbor, child-care provider, teacher,friend or significant other- a very special thank you for all you do to make the job of mother all the better

There isn’t anything more important in a mother’s life than her children, and to know that while they aren’t with you they are still being loved and cared for is a true gift.

Mother’s Day is a time of commemoration and celebration for Mom. It is a time of cards,hugs, kisses, breakfast in bed, family gatherings,Emails and fulfilling the honey do list.

Perhaps the country’s greatest proponent of motherhood, Anna Jarvis ironically never had children of her own. Yet that didn’t stop her from making the celebration of Mother’s Day her lifelong mission.

In fact, as the holiday took on a life of its own, Jarvis expressed frequent dismay over its growing commercialization. “I wanted it to be a day of sentiment, not profit” she is quoted as saying.

So lets give Mom what she needs not what we think she wants.

First start with LOVE.

Be Bop!

Check me out at www.LifeStand.com

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Next » The American Idol is Bop!

The Idol is Bop!

It’s amazing to see these performers. When they shine, they really shine. This is “American Idol’s” best year of talent, and I agree with Simon Cowell, that any one of this years top five could have won in the past.

What is especially interesting is to see the performer’s slowly getting weeded out every week. Why were some people who had good voices being kicked off the stage? I feel the answer to that question is because they weren’t in BOP.

To give an example of BOP, I will tell you a story about a actor client of mine who had a daughter who studied opera. He told me, that she practiced constantly. She wanted to be an opera star and could I be of assistance.

So one day my client called and invited me to listen to his daughter at a vocal recital that was being held at her college. I was curious to see how she performed so I said yes.

There were about eight people that performed that night. There were some that were very nervous and you could hear the crack in their voices at times. As Randy Jackson (the dog), calls it pitchy.

There were others whose voices seemed to carry through the room like a beacon of light.

The last person to perform was my friend’s daughter. She had a beautiful voice but she was not the best singer there that night. But what I noticed about her was that she seemed to feel the song and vibrate to it.

She was singing to us, she was singing to me. Her whole body, her face, her eyes, they all seemed to be in the moment. To me she was the best performer that night and she was in BOP!

Did you know that anyone can be in BOP? You don’t have to be musically inclined or study Shakespearean theatre. You can be in BOP anytime and anywhere.

Let me show you how to be the best performer that you can be. This next section deals with how to be “in the moment,” and how to be focused.

When I was a teenager, there was a dance craze at the time called “The Be-Bop” or as my mother called it, “The Dirty Boogie.”

All the teenagers were Be Bopping. Every Friday night, a bunch of us would go out the local soda shop, and dance the Be-Bop and drink root beers.

So when I came up with the term BOP, it reminded me of all those fun times I had just listening and dancing to the music.

BOP is the state of greatness in which you are Balanced, Observant, and Present, and you can’t boogie unless you know these three important things! BOP is three individual states working together to achieve one magnificent state of human excellence. To be in BOP you must be balanced, observant, and present.

Achieving only one or two of the states of BOP is useless without the others, it’s all or nothing! BOP is an intricate machine, requiring its three powerful components to work together in exact synchronicity for it to work at all.

To be in control of this machine, you need to be consciously aware of who’s running it.

Now one last thing, make sure to take time out in your busy day to look around you. Ask yourself constantly if you are in BOP because the more you are in BOP, the more you will be successful and happy in life.


Check me out at www.LifeStand.com

The Importance of Cover Letters

Do You need a JOB? : The Importance of Cover Letters

Finding a job has become much more of a challenge Now then in recent years.

Have you just been laid off, Or you interested in changing careers? Do You need a JOB?

Your resume and cover letter are the first items that will reach an employer’s desk.

What is a cover letter? Also known as a letter of introduction, letter of application, A cover letter tells the employer the type of position you’re seeking — and exactly how you are qualified for that position.

It’s a letter that no smart job-seeker should send his or her resume without

If well written and informative, the cover letter can grab the reader’s attention,raise his curiosity, and stimulate immediate interest in your employment candidacy.

If you are job seeking you will soon start examining all open jobs in or around your area, if you haven’t already done so?

Once you are able to find one or more jobs that meet or exceed your expectations, you will likely start submitting your resume. Before this point in time comes, you will want to place a focus on cover letters.

Speaking of cover letters, do you already have a cover letter developed? If you do not, this is one of the first things that you will need to do.

Unfortunately, many job seekers do not realize the importance of cover letters and the impact they may have.

Let’s face it, the cover letter is the very first thing that greets the reader’s eye. In my book “Acting For Real” (plug) there is a great deal written about the importance of “first impressions”

When you submit a job application in person, you are able to introduce yourself to the individual who is collecting them. This introduction is not possible when you simply mail or Email in a resume.

That is what cover letters are used for. They give you the opportunity to quickly introduce yourself before your resume is read. Finally,a cover letter is a little window into your personality

Although resume cover letters come in a number of different formats, you often introduce yourself, outline how you learned about the job, why you would like to have it, and why you are qualified for it.

If properly written, a resume cover letter can act as a backup plan. This is important, as not all resumes or perfect. If your resume is difficult to read,employers should be able to use your cover letter to determine whether or not you should be contacted for a job interview.

As outlined above, resume cover letters are important and there are a number of benefits to using them to your advantage. As nice as it is to know how cover letters can assist you with landing a job or at least getting a job interview, you may be curious as to what constitutes a good cover letter.

A previously stated, cover letters come in a number of different formats. With that in mind, they all have the same goal. That goal is to sell you as the perfect candidate for the job.

When an employer reads your cover letter, you want them to turn the page to see your resume with excitement.

When creating a resume cover letter for yourself,you will need to first introduce yourself and mention the job that you are applying for.

It’s best to outline where you learned about the job opening. Many employers like hearing this information, as it gives them reassurance that their marketing tactics are working.

You will also need to outline your work experience and state why you feel you are qualified for the position in which you are applying for.

When it comes to listing your qualifications and work experience, it is important to only high light a few examples, as this information can also be found on your resume.

If you are planning on applying for multiple jobs, you will need to create multiple resume cover letters. This is important, as not all job opportunities are the same.

You can create a resume cover letter template, but be sure to customize that template each time before submitting it to prospective employers

Customization and personalization is important, as it can help your resume and cover letter stand apart from all of the rest.

As previously stated, you are advised to submit your resume with a cover letter.In fact, you will see that many employers are now starting to require cover letters for mailed or Emailed resumes and job applications.

Thank you for allowing me to keep you well informed.

Be Bop!

Check me out at www.LifeStand.com

Monday, April 27, 2009

Ways to Impress Hiring Employers After the Interview

Tips to Impress Hiring Employers After the Interview

Are you currently on a search to find a new job? If you are, you may be preparing yourself for upcoming job interviews. Although a good percentage of your time should be focused on mastering the interviews at hand, you may also want to examine your actions and what they should be after an interview has ended.

As previously stated, it is advised that you spend a good percentage of your time focusing on mastering the interviews which you should have scheduled soon.

These LifeStand preparation tips may include familiarizing yourself with common interview questions, creating a list of questions that you should ask interviewers, as well as choosing a professional outfit for you to wear

. As soon as you have each of these preparation steps out of the way, you may want to take the time to focus on after the interview.

After the interview? If you are wondering what you should do after a job interview, you are definitely not alone. Unfortunately, this is where many job seekers make mistakes, possibly costly mistakes.

Many believe that as soon as they finish up a job interview, the rest is in the hands of the management staff. While this can ring true in many cases, did you know that there are still steps that you can take to improve your chances of getting the job, even after the interview has ended?

One of the many steps that you can take, after your job interview has ended, is by going out of your way to thank the interviewer. In most cases, you will find that this person would be your supervisor if you were to get the position.

Be sure to thank them for the job interview opportunity. Also, if you had a scheduling conflict or were late to your job interview, be sure to thank the interviewer for being patient and accommodating to you.

This may improve your chances in more ways than you could have ever imagined, especially if you were late. Be sure to shake hands. Many view this as the “official,” closing of a job interview.

When you leave the interview room, there is a good chance that you would have to walk through the rest of the establishment. Whether you have to walk fifty feet or five hundred feet, there is a good chance that you will come into contact with other individuals, namely other employees.

Be sure to acknowledge them with a quick Hi as you pass. This is particularly important if a company supervisor is escorting you from the building or at least watching you leave.

Acknowledging other coworkers shows that you are able to go out of your way to get along with them. This is a good sign that you may be a great team player.

Once you return home, you will need to prepare a thank you letter to mail out to the interviewer. There are many individuals who have pre made thank you letters.

In fact, some will even mail out their thank you notes on their way home from the interview. While it is possible to do so, you may want to add a personal note to your thank you letter.

This will help to prove it wasn’t a necessarily a preplanned gesture. With that in mind, the sooner that you can mail out your thank you note, the better shape you will likely be in.

You will want to try and have your thank you note reach its recipient before an official decision has been made on who gets the job.

As outlined above, there are a number of different ways that you can go about landing your dream job even after the job interview has concluded. What is nice is that these steps are relatively easy to implement.

In fact, you rarely have to take any special action. These steps may not always lead you to be hired for the job, but there is no harm in taking a chance.

Be Bop!

Check me out at www.LifeStand.com

Saturday, April 18, 2009

How loud is a Million Tweets??

Let’s get this straight I am hooked on Twitter. So when Actors Aston Kutcher and Demi Moore did the million followers on twitter race between the old school media CNN and the new social media of who could get a million followers first.

The “Punk’d” star had challenged the news network, vowing to donate 10,000 mosquito bed nets to charity for World Malaria Day April 25th, if he beat CNN, and 1,000 if he lost. CNN agreed to do the same. The new school barely won,

Aston and Demi gave $100,000 to eradicate malaria in 3rd world countries. World MalariaDay 2009: Countdown to saving a million lives

It was clear This wasn’t a personality contest, This was a movement to DEMOCRATIZE the MEDIA.

I was moved so I started twitting or tweetering to follow Aston,like millions of others. Then it hit me why was I moved?

Was it the pictures of the poor sick kids dying from malaria or,being a part of a movement at my age, or was it the celebrity’s asking for me to do something.

I am sure that had something to do with it,but what it was for me was a emotional feeling that I cared about making a difference.

When I stopped and asked my self what is this and why after the realization that I cared was I so moved and energized?

Then it dawned on me, when we started out on our journey of life, we CARED about life, love, making a difference in the word. We were so full of caring and then it started to wane we didn’t care as much about helping others or even ourselves.

We stopped caring about the big things first, the planet, our work, voting, education and our health.

Then we stopped caring about our neighbors, next door and globally let me ask you do you know your neighbors by there first names?

If you cared you would, it is a part of our DNA to care, how many times do you hear about acts of heroism or some one giving back and when asked why, they simple say I cared.

To me the will to live isn’t measured by the number of breaths you take, but by caring to help others breathe better.

In the past week I have put breath back in my being by caring: about
my wife Nancy when I lay down by her for the night.

Hearing my three Son’s laughter when we reminisce about the past and knowing I care about their future.

Start Caring, you can you know. CAN’T YOU?

Be Bop!

Check me out at www.LifeStand.com

Monday, April 13, 2009

What to Do If You Don’t Know How to Write a Resume

Before you start pounding the pavement– Write a Resume!

walking My Son Will is an Actor and he is just starting his career so he needs to find work to sustain him until he gets his next paying acting gig. So I have been assisting him with writing his resume.

In this economy, Are you interested in changing careers or changing jobs or just getting one? If you are, have you started your job search? Even if you have started your job search, but you are currently coming up empty handed, you are urged to take a close look at your resume. Speaking of resumes, are you even using one?

When it comes to finding a new job or changing careers, it is important that you have a resume.Will didn’t.have one,so here is what we did.

Unfortunately, many job seekers mistakenly believe that job interviews are the most important component of finding a new job. While this can be true in many cases, it is important to remember that a quality resume is what enables you to get a job interview in the first place.

That is why it is important that you not only submit a job application, but that you also attach a resume as well.

As important as resumes are, there are still many job seekers who do not submit them. One of the many reasons for this is because resumes, especially ones that are considered “perfect,” can occasionally be difficult to write.

If you are unsure as to how you can go about writing a professional resume, namely one that will land you multiple job interviews, you will want to continue reading on.

Just a few of your many options are outlined below.

If you are interested in developing your own resume, but you are unsure as to how you should proceed, you may want to turn to the internet. This is what Will and I did.

Online, you can find a number of websites that are commonly referred to as career websites. These types of websites often have information, including tips, on creating a professional resume.

It should also be possible for you to find free resume templates online. These free resume templates can be used as guides for you, when looking to create a “perfect,” resume.

In keeping with finding free resume templates, did you know that many computer programs, such as Microsoft Word and Microsoft Works, have free resume templates available with them?

If you are using these two programs or other similar ones, you will want to examine your program’s templates. What is nice about using your computer’s template programs is that you often have a number of different options.

It is not uncommon for you to find ten or more free resume templates, that come in a number of different styles, already installed in your computer.

As outlined above, you have a number of different options if you are looking to create a professional looking resume on your own.

As nice as making your own resume is, as it is free to do so, you may not have the needed time or you may be unimpressed with your own resume.

If that is the case, you may want to consider seeking professional assistance. One of the best ways to do this is by using the internet to your advantage, namely a standard internet search.

When performing a standard internet search, you may want to search with phrases such as “resume writer,” or “professional resume writer.” Although you will have to pay to use the services of a professional resume writer,

you and your prospective employers will likely be satisfied with the end result, which should be a great resume!

As outlined above, you have a number of different options when looking to have a professional resume to submit to all prospective employers.

No matter which option you choose, you should find that having a resume, let alone a professional one, should increase your chances of finding a new job.

Will is still looking for that part time job.Got an interview today.

Be Bop!

Thom McFadden

Check me out at www.LifeStand.com

Your Inner Critc

Congratulations for taking steps to make positive changes and overcome your fears! Let us continue on our Acting for REAL journey to success!

Similar to Fear, self-limiting beliefs are also created by your Inner Critic. This internal voice talks you out of going after things that you know you can do, you can have, and you deserve.

It is inspired by the voice of someone who may be close to you, but has told you that you can’t do something a family member, a friend, a colleague, or someone else close to you.

These are people who believe they are looking out for your best interests, and are keeping you from getting hurt.

But people like this, who are overly critical and believe they are helping you, are not aware of the psychological damage that is being done. "You can’t sing!" "Your brother is smarter than you." "You’ll never make it." "That kind of thing should be left to the professionals." "Giving up would be the practical thing to do."

These are examples of external garbage that creates your Inner Critic, making it the voice of opposition that prevents you from taking action. Once created, you feed it, by agreeing with it allowing it to stop you from moving forward.

Your Inner Critic exists, because your subconscious believes that it’s your protector for better or worse. Throughout your life you’ve programmed your Inner Critic through your beliefs, environment, upbringing, and social circumstances, to resist significant changes.

Therefore when confronted with any kind of change, it believes it is protecting your vested interests and keeping you from getting hurt (kind of like mom). It truly thinks that it is right and is looking out for your best interests.

When you start to make changes in your life and your Critic questions your actions, what should you do? Most people think they have only two choices: fight it, or let it stop them from moving forward. Here’s a better way to win.

When you are alone, in communion with yourself, preparing to make dramatic changes in your life and your Critic begins to shut you down, ask it to cut you some slack. Instead of fighting it and defending yourself against it, befriend your Inner Critic.

Tell it that you know it is looking out for you and trying to protect you against pain, but to please let you move forward this time. Tell it: this is a change that needs to be made an action that needs to be taken to reach your goals.

Negotiate with the inner voice that is keeping you from taking the risk to go after what you desire in life. Ask it for some cooperation. For instance, an actor will find lures to trick his Inner Critic and stimulate his imagination.

His creative imagination will then turn the changes he’s making into a fun game resulting in positive outcomes. You can do the same! How!..?

Most people, unfortunately, follow their first instinct - which is, to kill the voice. Wow let’s find a kinder, gentler way of winning! Besides, it takes far too much time to fight your Critic, who is well armed with all the latest weapons from a lifetime of reasons NOT to change.

You cannot ignore something that is much bigger than your subconscious. Trying to silence your Inner Critic only shuts you down and paralyzes you. And when that happens, you will be unable to move forward. It’s like walking in cement the longer you pause the harder it is to get moving again.

In a state of paralysis, your Critic will easily overpower you and all of the positive steps you have taken will be undone. You will soon believe that it is impossible to reach your dreams and will give in and stop.

Keep moving! You may fall down, but at least you will be moving forward. You must get up again. Don’t get stuck in the cement!

Like fear, the Inner Critic is a powerful force that when harnessed with “The Law of ACTION” a positive attitude will inspire you to get up, dust yourself off, and keep moving forward. Just remember you deserve success.

Be Bop!

Check me out at www.LifeStand.com

Work Related Credit Checks: How to Handle Them If You Have a Poor Credit Score

Hi Be Boppers.

Lets stop talking about the hard times we are in now and start doing something about it. I call this The Law of ACTION.


First, get hold of your credit report, see what action you can take to better your score.

When many of us think of credit history, credit scores, or credit ratings, financial loans are often the first things that come to mind. While financial lenders are known for their regular use of credit checks,

Did you know that employers are also starting to perform credit checks on their new hires? They are and if you are looking for a career change, this may have a negative impact on your ability to obtain the job of your dreams.

When it comes to employment and credit checks, you are either concerned or not concerned at all. If you have a poor credit score, you may be unsure as to whether or not you should even apply for certain jobs.

In the past, many financial institutions and insurance companies required credit checks, but now more and more employers are starting to do the same.

In fact, if you are looking to work in a fast food restaurant or even as a stocker at one of your local supermarkets, there is a good chance that you may still have a credit check performed on you.

If you are interested in avoiding all jobs that check your credit, you will want to keep a close eye on all of the applications that you fill out. Many employers will outline their hiring practices, such as whether or not credit checks are performed, on their job applications.

If you are not filling out an application, but rather sending in a resume, you may be able to find what you are looking for one the company’s website, should they have one. If you are still coming up empty handed, you should be informed of all credit checks before they are performed.

Although your first impulse, as mentioned above, many be to avoid applying for jobs where your credit will be checked, you may want to rethink your decision to do so. What you need to remember is that more and more employers are starting to check the credit history of all new hires.

By avoiding these types of companies, you may seriously hinder your ability to get a new job. Instead, there are a few steps that you may want to take and these steps are outlined below for your convenience.

If you are currently employed and just looking for a career change, you may want to consider holding off on that career change. Until you are able to repair your credit, even just a little bit, you may want to refrain from apply for new jobs, especially those that will check your credit.

What many individuals do not know is that if you pay off only a couple of your debts, your credit rating will improve.

When looking for new employees to hire, employers are realistic. They know that they will rarely be able to find employees with perfect credit scores. That is why any improvements that you can make, no matter how large or small, should help you.

Although controversial, there are many who state that you should openly discuss your credit history with potential employers, especially if they ask you about your credit or ask you to okay a check on your credit history.

If your debt is due to an unexpected emergency, like a medical emergency, you may want to state so. As previously mentioned, most employers are realistic; they know that not everyone is perfect.

Of course, you will need to take every step to improve your credit, but having a good, verifiable excuse may help your case. If you have a poor credit rating, you really don’t have that much to do lose, do you?

The above mentioned points are all points that you will need to take into consideration, when encountering a company who wants to check your credit.

Now start your LAW of ACTION! if you feel that this would be of assistance to some one Please,pass it on.

Thanks for allowing me to keep you informed.

Be Bop!

Check me out at www.LifeStand.com

The Combination of "Knowledge" and "Action" Produces "Power"

"Success…seems to be connected with action. Successful men keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don’t quit." - Conrad Hilton


Heaven Hi Be Boppers,

Yes, Paris Hilton is following her Grand fathers advice. Paris seems to be connected to action.

Throughout history, the power to control our lives has taken many different and contradictory forms. In the earliest times, power was simply the result of physiology. He who was the strongest and the fastest had power to direct his own life as well as the lives of those around him.

As civilization developed, power resulted from heritage. The king, surrounding himself with the symbols of his realm, ruled with unmistakable authority. Others could derive power by their association with him.

Then, in the early days of the Industrial Age, capital was power. Those who had access to it dominated the industrial process.

All those things still play a role. It’s better to have capital than not to have it. It’s better to have physical strength than to not. However, today, one of the largest sources of power is derived from specialized knowledge.

The exciting thing to note is that the key to power today is available to us all. Any kid in blue jeans can create a corporation that can change the world. In the modern world, information is the commodity of kings. Those with access to certain forms of specialized knowledge can transform themselves and, in many ways, our entire world.

However, the truth is that even in the information age, information is not enough. If all we needed were ideas and positive thinking, then we all would have had ponies when we were kids and we would all be living our "dream life" now.

Action is what unites every great success. Action is what produces results. Knowledge is only potential power until it comes into the hands of someone who knows how to get himself to take effective action. In fact, the literal definition of the word "power" is "the ability to act."

Every communication we make is an action, a cause set in motion. And all communications have some kind of effect on us and on others.

How you feel is not the result of what is happening in your life — it is your interpretation of what is happening. Successful people’s lives have shown us over and over again that the quality of our lives is determined not by what happens to us, but rather by what we do about what happens.

Start today The Law Of Action and watch your self perception improve . Now is the time to ACT!

Thanks For allowing me to keep you WELL informed and PREPARED.

Be Bop!

Check me out at www.LifeStand.com

Don't Shut The Door

Heaven Hi!
I love the quote "All great achievements require time. " by David Joseph Schwartz. Then I had a Heart operation aug. the 7th, 2004 and I realized that time is never behind.

So we have to stop wasting it, befriend it and wonderful things will happen. While I was on the operating table my heart rate dropped below 30. I kept hearing my voice saying don’t shut the door because if you do it could be over with.
Now five years later I am feeling great and looking Young and Hot! and I look forward to seeing you soon on Video, this is an opportunity that can really change our lives.
Videos let you get right in front of your audience and let them see who you are, what you’re like… and video lets you connect with people in a
very personal, very intimate way… It lets you be the Star in your Video of Life,before the Door is shut.
Online video offers the power of sight, sound and motion coupled with the power of the Internet’s targetability, measurability and interactivity.
As I look over my social medium list I see a lot of people who have not even taken the time to register for free info.and check out.Yea that’s me.
www.VideoWebGuy.com for FREE Stop wasting time. Rekindle that fire to succeed! Sign up for your free stuff. You deserve it! Don’t shut the door!
Be Bop!
Check me out at www.LifeStand.com