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Actor/Life Coach Thom McFadden has been featured in many movies.He has guest stared in over 100 television shows. Thom is called the “Coach to the stars.’ Thom has guided actors, writers, producers, directors and hundreds of other industry professionals to realize their full potentials.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Words are an “Actor for Real’s” Greatest Tools


I think it’s the responsibility of every person to try to fulfill himself or herself to the fullest capacity possible.

A person can not do this if they are “verbally naked.” A person must have an arsenal of vocabulary from which to work. While slang and lingo are appropriate in some circumstances, they will not put you in the same rapport in other circumstances.

We must be able to have flexibility in our vocabulary to meet our needs in a variety of situations.

Your character at a board meeting will not get you the same respect using slang, as it will when you are hangin’ with the homies.

If you are not comfortable speaking to executives, children, seniors - wherever you are deficient- model others who are and learn to emulate them. Expand your vocabulary and learn trade vernacular where needed.

“Our thinking has created problems which cannot be solved by that same level of thinking.” A. Einstein

Please learn the following and it will change your life-guaranteed.

Words Are an Actor for Real’s Greatest Tools

For me words have color, character; they have pouts, faces, manners, gesticulations. They have moods, humor, eccentricities; they have tints, tones, personalities.

Because people cannot see the color of words, the tint of words, the secret ghostly motions of words.

Because they cannot hear the whispering of words, the rustling of the procession of letters, the dream-flutes and dream-drums, which are thinly and weirdly played by words.

Because they cannot perceive the pouting of words, the raging of and racketing of words.

Because they are insensible to the phosphorescence of words, the fragrance of words, the tenderness or hardness; the dryness or juiciness of words.the interchange of values in gold, silver and the copper of words.

Is that any reason why we should not try to make them hear or to make them see or to make them feel?


Words are the actor for real’s greatest tools.

Unfortunately, we’re seeing that more and more people are illiterate and we’re just not paying attention to how important it is to learn your language.

And our language, the English language, which we’re using right now, is a very subtle language and it’s a very powerful language and the more you learn your language the better you become to persuade and connect with people.

So you have to learn your language and I think it’s important to study the history of your language, study where words come from.

When you hear a word you don’t know try this.I write words down and when I hear a word I don’t know or a word I would like to learn or something new is coming up, then I go learn about it, study it, see where it came from and try to incorporate it into my vocabulary.

Fall in love with the dictionary -and that’s not so you can have a huge vocabulary that makes you sound important, it’s just so that you can think better and connect with other people better.

Be Bop!


Check me out at www.LifeStand.com

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